Home of the marmots, Spielboden Saas Fee
Spielboden Saas Fee. Sunday was the perfect hiking weather. Not too cold but not too warm either. We decided to go to the Spielboden in Saas Fee. This is the home of the marmots. As the experience of past visits showed, a visit early in the morning is recommended. Because then the marmots are still hungry and show themselves to the visitors. Later, when hikers line the marmot trail, it is no longer as exciting from our point of view.

With the first gondolas up to Spielboden
To reach this destination, we had to get on the train early. We were not the only ones traveling from Zurich to the Valais. Climbers with ropes and picks were also already spread all over the train. Even the bus from Visp to Saas Fee was packed. At the top, however, the people were well distributed.
Marmots on the Spielboden
At first, the weather was still cloudy. The mountains were covered with fog. But it went very quickly and the sun prevailed. The marmots were already waiting in front of their burrows. Due to the popularity of the marmot trail, we could only assume that they were already waiting for visitors, or rather, food. They love peanuts. They spurned our organic carrots peeled and cut into sticks at first. Until the leader ate them, then the others were also for carrots and our provisions melted away.

Well, we were the first on the slope. Thirty minutes later, groups were already forming in front of the marmots buildings, so that people no longer had a clear view. Once again, it’s worth getting up early.
Descent to Saas Fee
The path from Spielboden to Saas Fee is very varied. We saw the alpine roses blooming for the first time, because otherwise we were always here later in the year. The red cushions stretched across the slope. It was beautiful.
For the way down you need good shoes and sure footedness. There are several food options.

Who was already early on the way, would also like to be back home in time. Therefore, the direct train from Visp to Zurich is packed. Some people even had to stand. That’s not so great if you’ve been climbing or hiking.
We love this trip to the Valais very much. We were especially taken with the marmots. The OllO World team wishes you a great hiking season.
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