Hiking tour Lake Fählen – Lake Sämtis. Starting point is the cable car to Alp Sigel. Attention: You can only pay cash or with Twint. From there a nice path leads down to the valley. To the left we can already see the Lake Sämits, which is still in the shade. Signposts show the way up to Lake Fählen. Steep stairs have to be mastered. At the top we see the Lake Fählen in all its beauty. The mountain flanks to the left and right are reflected in the water. After the ascent we deserve lunch in the restaurant Bollenwees. We look forward to the fish crispies garnished with salads. They taste wonderful. The in-house iced tea is also just right.
Our next stop is the Lake Sämtis. The path is pleasant and slightly sloping. Soon we are at the bottom. Now the sun illuminates the lake. A short ascent and we have reached the restaurant Plattenbödeli. Where we have a drink. Here I ate the world’s best Schlorzifladen, a sweet local speciality. Now we start the super steep descent. Past the donkeys on the pasture, it only goes downhill. Good shoes are a must on the whole hike. Hopefully we reached the bus station in Brülisau. It took us for a ride to Weissbad. From there we could continue by train back to Zurich.

Lake Fählen
Lake Fählen is a mountain lake in the Appenzell Alps, located at an altitude of 1447 m above sea level. The lake’s water is dark and reflects the surrounding rocky flanks when exposed to sunlight. The lake is surrounded by steep rocky flanks. The lake is part of the Alpstein. Some visitors also say it looks like a fjord. One hiking trail leads along the north shore. Fishermen love this side. In midsummer, daredevils even jump into the max. 18° cold water. The most beautiful view, however, we had on the terrace of the restaurant Bollenwees.

Lake Sämtis
Lake Sämtis is a lake in the Alpstein massif in Switzerland. It has no visible outlet and the water from both lakes drains underground and resurfaces in the Rhine Valley. The water flow fluctuates and on hot days in summer the lake can even dry up. Nevertheless, the lake is a popular destination for excursions.
A wonderful hike. The OllO World team wishes you a great trip.

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